Diocesan Synod 2015

March 18, 2015
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Included in this month’s newsletter is a report on the proceedings at Synod on 7 March at Holy Trinity and St Barnabas in Paisley.  In addition to the general business of the diocese, there were some stimulating presentations and debate.

The Bishop’s Charge can be heard here: DS15 Bishop’s Charge

Synod 2015

Perhaps the most encouraging presentations came in the item on Mission in Action from St Mary’s Hamilton and from St Mary’s Cathedral.   These two congregations are at different stages in their plans:  St Mary’s Hamilton has started a very ambitious project called St Mary’s for All, to facilitate their outreach to the wider community.  You can watch a video outlining some of their exciting developments here.

In contrast, St Mary’s Cathedral are at an earlier stage in the process of looking at their current facilities and how best to develop them to respond to the challenges of mission and  development.  They produced a consultation document “Releasing the Mission”  and have reached the point where professional firms are being approached to carry out scoping studies on suggested structural developments.

Both these ambitious and exciting projects demonstrate a willingness to think big and reach out into their communities.