Diocesan Council

Diocesan Council acts in the name of, and for the Diocesan Synod, to which it must account for its actions, between the annual meetings of the Synod.

For the purposes of The Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, the governing body of the Diocese is the Diocesan Council and the charity trustees are the members, both voting and non-voting, with a few exceptions.

Diocesan Council is normally convened by the Bishop. Voting members come from the membership of each Regional Council, who elect one lay and one clerical member. Non-voting members include the following post holders; Dean, Provost, Synod Clerk, Diocesan Secretary, Diocesan Treasurer, Conveners of Development Teams.

Diocesan Council meet no less than four times annually, usually in the Diocesan Centre.

Under the Constitution, Diocesan Council guides the Diocese in matters of policy and direction, controls Diocesan funds and resources and processes proposals for action by the Diocesan Synod. Diocesan Council also monitors and receives reports from Diocesan post holders on income and expenditure, budgets, stewardship of resources and investments. Diocesan Council also supervises the appointment of Diocesan staff and all elections falling under the remit of the Diocesan Synod.