CELEBRATING ST MUNGO SERVICE – 15th January 2017 16:30

January 10, 2017
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For the past eight years, Glasgow Churches Together and Glasgow Cathedral, along with the encouragement of the City Council, have held a highly successful ecumenical service to mark St Mungo’s Day.  This happy celebration of Glasgow’s Patron Saint has now become an established event in the life of the city.

As before, the service will be enriched by choral and instrumental music and young people will play a prominent part. The speaker on this occasion is Dr Rajan Madhok.

The event enables representatives from government, university, commerce, the law and indeed all areas of the city’s life to come together to express our delight in being Glasgow and to pray for the city’s wellbeing and development.

We very much hope that you and any guests would be able to join in the service at the Cathedral, High Street, on Sunday, 15th. January, at 4.30pm.  It would give us great pleasure to welcome you.  Download here: 2017 GCT St Mungo Service Invitation

Any further information can be had from Elspeth Glasgow at 0141- 332- 6606, or by email to office@glasgowchurches.org.uk   we look forward to seeing you and welcoming you on the day