Glasgow and Galloway Episcopal Election to lapse to College of Bishops

June 5, 2019
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It has become clear that the Preparatory Committee for the Episcopal Vacancy in the Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway will be unable to present a short list of a minimum of three names from which a new Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway could be elected by the Electoral Synod. A meeting of the Electoral Synod will be held on 27 July 2019 at which the Preparatory Committee will report. As a result of the fact that the Preparatory Committee is unable to present a shortlist, the right of election will, in accordance with Canon 4, lapse to the College of Bishops (as an Episcopal Synod) on 1 August 2019.

In preparing to exercise their right of the election, the Bishops will meet with the Electoral Synod on 27 July and then meet with the Preparatory Committee and Cathedral Chapter on 20 August. The Bishops have also set time aside in the autumn to meet with potential candidates and to pray together.

In a letter sent to Electoral Synod voting members across the diocese the Most Rev Mark Strange, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church and interim Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway said “I am very conscious of all the work that has been undertaken to discern the type of bishop being sought by the diocese. The College will meet with the Preparatory Committee, the Cathedral Chapter and the Electoral Synod to listen and to pray and to help move the process forward.

“Following this discernment, the College of Bishops will invite people for interview and then meet to pray and to elect a new bishop.

“I would also like to call a day of prayer across the diocese on Saturday 3 August and would ask for people to gather at churches to pray for this process.”
