The Gathering 2015

April 17, 2015
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The Gathering 2015

On 23 May we shall again be gathering to celebrate the progress of MAPping throughout the Diocese – there are some excellent speakers, and the opportunity to meet and share experiences.

The day will be hosted at St Silas where we will join together at 10am for registration and coffee, followed by a Eucharist at 10.45am. A packed lunch will be provided for those who have registered, followed by two sessions of seminars. The day will finish with a short act of worship at 3.30pm.

The 3 speakers are

  • The Very Reverend Richard Giles “Making Room for the Party”VR R Giles
  • The Very Reverend Sheilagh Kesting “Witnessing Together – Ecumenical Opportunities for Mission”
    VR S Kesting
  • Olive Drane “Excavating, recycling and reinventing: Treasures old and new for 21st century spirituality”.Olive Drane

There are places for the rector/priest-in-charge and two representatives of each charge or, if for example the charge comprises 3 churches, 9 people in total. Note that there are no opportunities for additional representatives, unless another church fails to use all its allocation, but you could request a place on the waiting list.

Please note that there are no special children’s activities this year.

Please let the Diocesan Centre know the names and any special dietary requirements as soon as possible by email:



Name of charge…………………………………………………………………………….

will be sending

names(i) ………………………………………………………………………………………..

(ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

(iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………

to this event but would wish to book a further ……………. places if possible.

Dietary requirements……………………………………………………………………….
