Love God, Love God’s World

June 19, 2015
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Wednesday 23rd September 2015, 7.30pm
at St Andrew’s and St George’s West, George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PA

This is an advance notice of a unique opportunity to hear leaders from four Scottish Denominations give their views on why caring for creation is a vital part of Christian living:

With speakers including:
The Most Rev David Chillingworth
Bishop of Dunkeld, St Andrew’s and Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church
Sally Foster Fulton
Convenor of the Church and Society Council of the Church of Scotland
Philppa Bonella
Head of Communications and Education at the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund
The Rev John Humphreys
Synod Moderator of the United Reformed Church in Scotland

PLEASE PUT THIS DATE IN YOUR DIARIES – it is sure to be a thought-provoking evening!