Scottish Episcopal Institute – First Annual Lecture

September 1, 2016
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The Scottish Episcopal Institute is honoured and delighted that the Revd Professor Mike Higton, Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University, will offer the first Annual SEI Lecture in New College on Thursday 20th October 2016 at 4pm in the Martin Hall, New College. The lecture will be on ‘Teaching and Witness in the Life of the Church’. This will be followed by a reception in the Rainy Hall. The lecture is co-sponsored by SEI and CTPI, New College.

Alongside research interests in the fields of Christian doctrine, Anglican theology and the theology of higher education, Professor Higton is currently responsible for academic input into Durham University’s validation of the Common Awards in Theology, Ministry and Mission offered in conjunction with Ministry Division in colleges and courses around the country, and for developing collaborative research projects that bring together people from the church and university sectors to discuss the future of theological education. Professor Higton was part of the Validation Team which visited SEI last February to scrutinise its proposed entry into Common Awards.