Lighting the Way – Spring Retreat Day at Helensburgh

January 25, 2019
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Lighting the Way – Spring Retreat Day

Saturday 16th February,  10.30 – 15.30

St Michael’s and All Angels, Helensburgh, 16 William Street, G84 8BD

Long before Christianity, welcoming the light of Spring has been honoured by many different cultures, religions and traditions. This inclusive retreat day is open to all who wish to explore the concepts of ‘Light’ at this time of year.
A retreat offers each one of us space and time to focus on the ‘Light’ that has accompanied us on our life journeys. There will be time to reflect on our own inner ‘Light’ and how we might wish to ‘Light our way’ in the future.

10.30-11.00 Gathering – tea/coffee
Our human need for light – an interfaith perspective – Lorna
11.00-12.30 Retreat time: The light around us – Monica
12.30-13.30 Lunch (bring a sandwich. Soup will be provided)
13.30-15.00 Retreat time: Guided Meditation – Lorna
Creative ways to explore our own inner light – Elspeth Coming together to close
Candlelight reflections

The day will be facilitated by Lorna, Elspeth and Monica who have experienced and valued taking part in a variety of retreats for the past 30 years. They are delighted to host this event in Helensburgh, offering people quiet space and time to explore their own inner journey. Their collective experience embraces interfaith and includes personal, spiritual and creative development.

Bring layers of clothing to ensure that you keep warm throughout the day.
To find out more or to book a place on this retreat, please call or text 07982 910507 by 9th February 2019.