Amie Byers’ Updates from the 17th Anglican Consultative Council in Hong Kong

April 29, 2019
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Amie Byers is the Youth Officer for our diocese. She recently arrived in Hong Kong as a representative of the Scottish Episcopal Church at the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC). Check this page regularly as we update it with Amie’s daily observations.

We are incredibly grateful for Amie and her hard work and we hold her and all others at ACC-17 in our prayers.

Updates from Amie Byers

Day 1 – Welcome to ACC-17, Hong Kong

Today was very much about being welcomed into the community of the ACC and to understand a little more about what the ACC is. The ACC is one of the four instruments of Communion the others being – the Primates’ meeting, the Lambeth Conference and the Archbishop of Canterbury. For more info on these see here

We were then introduced to the theme of the meeting which is “Equipping God’s People: going deeper in Intentional Discipleship” and a little more was explained through the address given by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

We finished today’s session by discussing what we expect from ACC-17. We talked about our hopes and some fears we may have had prior to the meeting.

We then travelled to St John’s Cathedral where we shared opening worship and officially opened ACC-17. After the service, we attended a reception with entertainment from local schools and groups. Our meal was a sharing plater that contained 12 courses of various Hong Kong cuisines. Then back to the hotel for some much-needed sleep.

Line of daily inspiration
“Can we strive to be a light in the darkness of this hurting world?”

Day 2 – ACC-17, Hong Kong

Today was a day of looking at the legalities of ACC and talking more about other workings within the ACC.

We listened to an address from Archbishop Josiah on his role as Secretary General to the Anglican communion and reflections of his report. He set us some challenging questions to discuss in our groups and they were later reported back to potentially discussed further at another time. For example, how can we dictate that Lambeth 2020 is a success and not let the press decide it for us?

We then discussed the process of ACC17 resolutions and that the resolutions not achieved from ACC16 will be carried on the ACC17.

In the afternoon Caroline Welby gave a presentation on “Woman on the Frontline” where they work with Bishop’s wives across the communion on reconciliation.

We then also had a presentation from Thy Kingdom Come initiative and for more information see

After dinner, tonight all OF the youth representative finally had a chance to sit down and discuss what issues we have in our provinces. From religious racism to decreasing numbers, to climate change, to overpopulation caused by natural disasters, to period poverty and to religious violence. It was inspirational to hear what people said regardless of the size of the issue and to us all, it held the same weight of respect.

We discussed the reformation of the Anglican Youth Network and the plans for this project are well underway.

Line of daily inspiration
“We always talk about the God of the past. It’s time to talk about the God of today – Right now!”

Day 3- ACC-17, Hong Kong

Today was centred around looking deeper into intentional discipleship (the the main theme of the meeting).

Today’s initial session looked at discipleship and a framework created by the ACC called Living and Sharing a Jesus-Shaped Life. This framework has been created to help provinces create their own programs around discipleship that is appropriately tailored for each province.

It stems from the 5 Marks of Mission and looks at how we can be shaped by Jesus in all aspects of our life.

Through discussions within my group, we looked at how people think you can only be a disciple if you are ordained and fear the word and this prevents them from leading or teaching others.

This is not the case; anyone can be a disciple of God by following Jesus in their daily lives and sharing that life with others.

After business was over for the day we travelled into the centre of Hong Kong for dinner. The restaurant was a world buffet and was situated on the 62nd floor of the building. The floor rotated around the building so you were able to see the whole skyline. It was an experience and I got lost a few times trying to get back to my seat as it had moved. The highlight for many tonight was the candy floss that was available.

Line of daily inspiration
“The heart of discipleship is receiving the heart of Jesus! ”

Day 4 – ACC-17, Hong Kong

Today we started off hearing reports from various members from our ecumenical visitors which highlighted how we can Walk Together in Christ regardless of our denomination. Though each Christian denomination has its differences we follow the same God.

We then heard reports from the Unity, Faith and Order. The main theme of these reports was to unite as one to share in the Love and Discipleship of God.

After lunch, the final session on the day was lead by the Anglican Communion Safe Church Commission. We listened to the work they have been involved in across the Anglican Communion and we reflected in our groups what we thought of their report and guidelines.
Their main aim of the guidelines is to enhance the current structures within provinces in relation to safeguarding.
They also proposed a resolution on the basis that they can amend the protocol or guidelines when needed and that they requested that they could continue with their work on this issue.
The resolution was passed.

After dinner tonight there was an opportunity to attend a Q&A with Archbishop Justin. I found it very interesting and sadly ran out of time before I had a chance to ask him my question.
It was a great experience to get an insight into what his thoughts were on matters arising across the Communion and he responded to all.

Line of daily inspiration
“At times we may take different paths but we all unite for one God”

Day 5 – ACC-17, Hong Kong


This morning after we had taken group pictures we started to talk about Theological education within the Anglican Communion. Discussing that theological education is not just for ordinands it is for all of God’s people. The education comes from what we hear spoken, what we read, what we are taught, what we see and for others who surround us. Therefore it is a holistic experience pulling strands from all parts of our lives.

After a coffee break, it was time for a bit of youth involvement, where two youth reps had the chance to ask a panel of Archbishop Justin Welby, Archbishop Thabo Makgoba and Bishop Jane Alexander three questions. Don’t worry if you missed the live stream – you can still watch it on the Anglican Communion YouTube channel!

After lunch, we travelled in groups to a different location so experience some of the intentional discipleship that happens in Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. First, we visited Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Holy Spirit Church where we received a talk from the welfare council about their work and then were taken on a tour of their Stroke rehabilitation centre.
After this, we went to S.K.H. Lam Kau Mow Secondary School. There we were spoken to by some of the pupils as they informed us of the Christian education they receive and the work they do for their community. They also informed us about their youth fellowship within the school.

After the visits where over we went for a boat trip which included dinner and while on board we were invited to go onto the deck to was the light show on Hong Kong island and Kowloon on either side of the boat. We then retired back to the hotel for some much-needed rest.

Line of daily inspiration
“Now is the time to take action as next time may be too late”

Day 6 – ACC-17, Hong Kong

This morning started with a presentation from the communications team. We heard about their role and how they communicate through many different formats for example using social media and also their online news page you can find that here

Its aim is to bring news from all over the Anglican communion.

We then split into breakout groups. We had the opportunity to visit four of the networks to find out how they are involved in the Communion.

Firstly I attended the Environment network where we looked at the adverse effects of climate change on the communion. We spoke about the need to rebuild and replant at the same rate as we are creating destruction to ensure the preservation of our planet.

I then attended the International Anglican Youth Network. We discussed in small groups what our hopes would be for the reformation of the network, what we could offer to the network and what the structure of the Network would look like. Some hopes we had were to create a youth presence across the Communion, the ability to easily share experiences and challenges we face, an active social media presence, a global project and the ability to integrate with other communion networks. The things we thought we could offer were a voice for youth networks across the communion, give our time to making this work, a supportive cycle of prayer and the love of God and a clear vision we can all work towards. Finally, our thoughts on the structure were varied but mainly looking at starting locally to provincial to international.

I then went to the Anglican education network where we were hearing about the Anglican colleges and universities that exist to promote further Anglican education.

Finally, I attended the family network. We were hearing about the pressures that are put on families throughout the communion and regardless where you were in the communion many issues were the same.

We then congregated back and voted on the vacant positions of the ACC standing committee.

The last thing we did today was to start passing and discussing some resolutions that were finalised and we will discuss the other ones tomorrow.

Line of daily inspiration
“The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nation – Revelation 22:2”