Event Information Form Please use this form to provide information of events to be published on this website. Event information Title*The title of the news item. No more than 100 characters. This will be shown above the article.Event Date*The date at which the event occurs, for example 02/05/2016. Event Start Time*(24-hour format) : HH MM Event End Time*(24-hour format) : HH MM Location*Venue name and address where the event will take place. Description*The full description of the event. If possible, do not use more than 500 words (the absolute limit is approximately 1000 words). Write in a clear and plain-English style. Please read the “How to write in plain English” guide at www.plainenglish.co.uk/files/howto.pdf. Contact Details*Include a name or organisation and an e-mail address and/or telephone number. This may be the diocesan office in case of an event organised by the diocese. Δ