Message from Hazel Watson, Convenor Scottish Churches Anti-Human Trafficking Group
The Scottish Churches Anti-Human Trafficking Group has been a programme group of ACTS since 2011. We know that most people in Scotland are unaware that human trafficking and modern day slavery happen here in Scotland. One of our main activities is therefore to raise awareness of this dreadful crime by delivering talks and distributing our information leaflets. We are happy to meet with congregations and other church groups irrespective of where in Scotland they are. We should very much appreciate the opportunity to speak to your Diocese to draw their attention to the problem of human trafficking and the human misery that it wreaks, both at home and abroad.
I should also like to draw attention to the fact that the Scottish Government is soon to publish its draft strategy on the implementation of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Act that received Royal assent last November. I hope that as many church organisations and members will send written responses to this consultation that is soon to be published.
For further information please contact Miriam Weibye at ACTS