Development Team for Worship and Liturgy

Worship settings

Settings for worship around the diocese

Advice on Worship and Liturgy

The Development Team is here to help anyone in the diocese who leads worship or is seeking advice on liturgy. We are pleased to advise, provide resources, and work with congregations who wish to develop their worship as part of their Mission Action Planning. We also run workshops and study days. Feel free to contact the team to ask a question or to discuss your needs.

The Team

Convener: Dr John Reuben Davies (St Bride’s, Kelvinside. Convener of the SEC’s Liturgy Committee.)
Secretary: Mrs Gill Young (St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow. Mission facilitator.)
Dr Sue Champion (St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow. Church musician.)
The Revd Canon Nicholas Taylor (Rector of St Aidan’s, Clarkston. Academic theologian. Member of the SEC’s Doctrine and Liturgy Committees.)
Mr Ray Gascoigne (Lay Reader, Holy Name, Cumbernauld)


Dr John Reuben Davies


Liturgies authorised for use within the Diocese

Liturgy for Catechumens PDF

Liturgy for Catechumens Word File

Useful links to liturgies of the Scottish Episcopal Church

Liturgies of the Scottish Episcopal Church on line.

Guide to the Calendar and Lectionary.

Calendar and Lectionary.

Collects for Experimental Use.

Daily Prayer and Psalter.

Daily Prayer on line.

Scottish Liturgy 1982.

Eucharistic Prayer 1929 adapted for use with Scottish Liturgy 1982.

A Service of the Word 2015.

New rites for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter

New Permitted Changes to Scottish Liturgy 1982

Liturgical commentary

Leading-Intercessions-in-the-Eucharist PDF